Our focus question this week was what jobs are related to exercise? Here are our answers:
Liam - "someone who works at a gym"
Charlie - "dance teacher"
Emmett - "coach"
We took a field trip to find the answer to our focus question.
Our writing center has been filled with all kinds of Valentine cards. The children have been able to write cards to their friends, drop them in the mailbox, and have the postman/woman deliver them. We have worked on our writing skills, name recognition and taking turns.
Here are our answers:
Liam - “water”
Emmett - “healthy foods”
Charlie - “vegetables”
Stella - “fruit”
James - “milk”
We have had a fun-filled week learning to prepare and taste some new healthy foods!
Our focus question this week was what do we know about exercise? Here are our answers:
Charlie - “it helps you be healthy”
Liam - “it helps your muscles be strong”
James - “it helps your body feel better”
Our home living center has been turned into a gym/smoothie bar.
We made free-form snowmen. The children were given a sheet of blue paper and white paint. They were told to paint a snowman body however they wished. When the paint was dry they glued on a construction paper nose and top hat and used a marker to add two eyes.
In our Fun Friday Learning Centers we worked on the following:
Rolled dice, counted dots, and followed a key to draw a snowman;
Recognized numbers in a ten frame and counted out the correct number of marshmallows;
Put correct number of buttons on snowmen;
Matched uppercase, lowercase, and beginning sound to build a snowman; and,
Touched and counted objects and found matching number. Hands on learning is the BEST!