Let’s talk about buildings

What happens inside of buildings?

What a blast this week as we discussed our topic sentence - What happens inside of buildings?

The children wrote letters to each other and we mailed them from the St.James mailbox. Everyone had a blast as they used the stamp and delivered mail in the classroom. Keep your eye on the mailbox.

Mrs. Craig and the team from Reliance

We felt a blast of cold air as we learned how an air conditioner unit cools a building.! A special thank you to Reliance and Mrs. Craig for setting up this wonderful presentation. Finley was excited to help her mom !

Addition and Subtraction

The children used addition and subtraction this week. I put out cubes for the children to practice adding to and taking away. After we used the cubes , it was time to use scissors and glue to solve math problems on paper.

The Vet Clinic

The students took turns pretending to be a vet. Social skills were thriving as each child used their voice to discuss their pet and its condition. The children learned that animals are taken care of inside of a building.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston
Be My Valentine

Observational Drawing

One of my favorite activities this past week was the observational drawing lesson. Each child was given a clipboard and a pencil. We discussed the features of our classroom. After I drew an example, it was time for the children to take over. The students drew windows, doors and tables in our classroom. We learned that our classroom is full of shapes.

Our Valentine Party

A special thank you to Mrs. Craig for providing us with fabulous decorations, pizza and cupcakes. Thank you to Mr.Kendrick for our drinks. The party was a blast! The children graphed hearts, danced, passed out valentines and ate a delicious lunch.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

I was thrilled with the class performance! As your child participated on stage today they increased their confidence and social development. After the show we were excited to have our grandparents and friends visit our classroom. Thank you parents and grandparents for taking time out of your day to visit our school.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston
D is FOR drum and dog

Music with Mrs. Allison


The djembe is a drum from West Africa. The djembe has been an integral part of spiritual and ritualistic life in West Africa for many generations.

The students played the drums and pretended to be jungle animals during music class.


Thank you to everyone who brought their dogs to school. We had a blast learning about letter D and observing the dogs.

All about letter D

Handwriting Without Tears

We used a straight line and a curved line to make letter D.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston
Same Sound Sort

Same Sound Sort - Obj. 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness

We had a great time with this activity. The children had to take tuns sorting the objects according to the beginning sounds of the object's names. Letter B - boat, button, block, bird and so on . Letter T - train, tree,

What foods come from trees?

This week we learned that trees can produce fruit and nuts. I brought lemons for the class to examine. Each child had a blast as we opened the lemons and made lemonade.

Obj.17-Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses

I can make my name - Letter Recogniton

The students had to cut and paste the letters of their name together. We are learning to recognize our name and the names of our friends.

diane johnston
Terrific Trees

Evergreen and Deciduous

The children painted an evergreen tree this week. As your child paints at the easel they are using fine motor skills. It looks like I have a room full of artists! We learned that some trees stay green all winter.

Stick Letters - Obj. 15 Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet

The children used sticks to form letters. We discussed the letters that are formed with straight lines

Color, Cut, Sort, and Glue

Sorting activities form the foundation for your child's understanding of more complex math concepts, including counting , addition, subtraction, and patterns

diane johnston