Exercise, Snowmen, Fun Friday Learning Centers, and Christmas Show and Tell

Our focus question this week was what do we know about exercise? Here are our answers:

Charlie - “it helps you be healthy”

Liam - “it helps your muscles be strong”

James - “it helps your body feel better”

Our home living center has been turned into a gym/smoothie bar.

We made free-form snowmen. The children were given a sheet of blue paper and white paint. They were told to paint a snowman body however they wished. When the paint was dry they glued on a construction paper nose and top hat and used a marker to add two eyes.

In our Fun Friday Learning Centers we worked on the following:

Rolled dice, counted dots, and followed a key to draw a snowman;

Recognized numbers in a ten frame and counted out the correct number of marshmallows;

Put correct number of buttons on snowmen;

Matched uppercase, lowercase, and beginning sound to build a snowman; and,

Touched and counted objects and found matching number. Hands on learning is the BEST!

Christmas Show and Tell

Tracy Jones