Why investigate bread?
Bread is everywhere! Nearly every culture in the world eats some type of bread. Few foods experiences are as universal as bread. Children in my class explore bread in many ways; rolling play "dough" into pizzas and bread, in our "bakery" dramatic play they make sandwiches and other fun food items, and flour in the sensory bin.
N is for NOODLE!
Huge THANK YOU to Mrs. Jennifer(Ellie's mom) and Mrs. Kelsey (Hudson's mom) for making noodles with both pre k classes! The children were able to make their own dough, roll it out, and run it through the noodle attachment. After that they had the opportunity taste test the noodles with marinara and fettuccine sauce. The kids LOVED it and several went back for seconds! Ask your child about the noodle making fun we had!