Wacky Wednesday

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5th-8th

The sixth grade students enjoyed taking a break from studying for the National Latin Exam to venture down to preschool and read Wacky Wednesday in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Reading aloud to all age students is important as it improves language skills, builds emotional connections, and encourages a lifelong love of reading! Read-alouds are also a wonderful way to expose them to different experiences and help with fluency as the students hear how a reader should sound.

Thank you, Pre-K, for allowing us to be a part of Dr. Seuss week!

Kandice Kimmel
National History Day

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5th-8th Grade

The seventh and eighth grade history students competed in the National History Day Contest at Texas A&M University-Texarkana last week. The NHD theme this year was ‘Rights & Responsibilities in History’. Each student chose interesting, diverse, and thought-provoking topics, conducted in-depth research, created exhibit boards, wrote a process paper, and presented to college history professors and students with respect and confidence. I am proud of each and every one of these students!

Congratulations, Elliot, for placing third in the individual exhibit category with her ‘Fast Fashion & Child Labor’ exhibit and Hattie and Rivers for placing first in the group exhibit category with their presentation about the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Well done, ladies!

Kandice Kimmel
Spartan Student of the Month

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5th-8th grade

St. James Day School middle school students and teachers join together on the last Friday of the month to celebrate birthdays, enjoy a sweet treat, an all middle school activity such as a talent show, STEM activity, quiz bowl, or dance party, and most importantly we recognize the student of the month. This has become the favorite afternoon of the month for students and teachers alike. In middle school, we acknowledge and value each student’s unique way of expressing themselves and each individual learning style, along with kindness, character, integrity, and leadership abilities. The student of the month may not have the highest GPA or even all A’s! The teachers vote on which student has demonstrated grit, kindness, integrity, and respect while being a team player. This is a wonderful way to enhance our students’ self-esteem and sense of belonging! The recognition empowers all students to feel proud of themselves or their classmates, and encourages them to put more effort in their studies, work ethic, attitude and behavior.

Congratulations, Mabyn Kyles! Mabyn is the Spartan Student of the Month for January!

Take a peek at all the other students of the month for the 2024-2025 academic year below.

Kandice Kimmel
Project Based Learning From the Ground Up!

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5th-8th Grade

These students are hard at work creating their very own Colonial Village! Most people do not realize that our students build the set for this hands-on American History project. With the help of Mrs. Denise, our set design teacher, the students literally build their village from the ground up. Set design is important because it teaches students how to use tools and provides a creative, engaging context to learn practical skills like measuring, cutting, building, and problem-solving while also fostering imagination, collaboration, and an understanding of visual storytelling, all while creating something tangible and visually appealing. Stay tuned for the finished project!

Kandice Kimmel
Tis the Season

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5th-8th Grade

The St James Day School Middle School choir made their way across town to carol and wish the residents at Cornerstone Retirement Community a Merry Christmas.

Sometimes the simple act of spending time visiting and sharing talents brings the most joy! The middle school students and teachers also enjoyed an Italian lunch out at Joe’s Pizza. Thank you, Joe’s Pizza for hosting our large group with kindness and efficiency!

Kandice Kimmel