“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Welcome new 2nd grade parents to our blog! Here you’ll find precious photos of your child in their school element and read up on what happens here at St. James Day School!


We are closing in on our second week of school with learning in full force. Last week we spent quite a bit of time learning classroom and school rules as well as what it means to be a class family. We talked many times about the word: cooperation. Students defined cooperation as listening to others, taking turns, and not giving up when frustrated. We put this concept into action when students were challenged to make the tallest tower that would support a marshmallow. They had dry spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow. 

We also had the opportunity to visit the middle school science lab. We dug for and help worms, checked out the aquarium and different types of fish, and learned about how the 8th graders are growing corn on Mars soil. How impressive!

This week we started our first math module and have learned all about making the next 10 to create easier addition problems. Students learned how to take Sprints. A math sprint it designed to increase fluency and confidence solving math equations. They also teach the students how to identify patterns in the equations for easier solutions.


School has only just begun but we are well on our way to an outstanding year here in the 2nd grade and St. James. Go Spartans!

Jaclyn Thane