It's The Final Countdown!

Wow! Has an entire school year really almost passed? The days were sometimes long, but the year has been short. Words and pictures do not do justice for the fun and learning that has taken place this year at St. James Day School. We are within single digits of the number of days we have left in the classroom, so we are learning as much as we possibly can and having fun all the while.

Last week we completed the Stanford 10 test and the students performed their very best! Thank you to all the parents that sent encouraging notes to the kids and thank you to everyone for the wonderful snacks during testing week. We are still enjoying the leftovers! On Friday, we were a part of an experiment on TragEGGtory. Our class split into 2 teams and created structures that would hopefully protect an egg as it was thrown over a net. The UNCRACKED egg that was thrown the farthest using the least amount of materials won the challenge. I am pleased to report that team NEON PUGGLES from our very own classroom won 1st place in Lower School.

This week the middle school students completed a scavenger hunt game with the second grade students. There were many tasks to complete including a human pyramid, break dancing and a bronze tower made of pennies. We love any opportunity to collaborate with the big kids.

2nd grade was also invited to attend the Roman Carnival hosted by the Middle School students. The carnival was wonderful fun and very creative! Way to go SJ Middle Schoolers!

There is much anticipation for Field Day on May 21st and the Lower School Send Off on May 27th.

It’s been an amazing year. The students were nothing short of incredible I will miss them dearly. We are ready for summer!

Jaclyn Thane