Community service project 2022
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”- Psalm139:14
Serving our community through acts of kindness is a vital piece of the overall puzzle that helps mold a student here at St. James Day School.
This year we chose to partner with, “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made", a local nonprofit ministry that helps families of NICU babies in our local hospitals.
Over a span of 7 days, our class along with all students of St. James, collected quarters (of course bills were accepted, too☺️) 3rd graders helped collect, count and roll the quarters. Each day we created a bar graph that displayed $$ data to keep the students engaged. This was a fun and healthy competition that allowed me to teach/review so many skills!
At the end of our service project, the students helped “stuff” the blessing bags! Each “backpack” costs around $250 to fill. Backpacks contains items such as; restaurant gift cards, a roll of quarters for vending machines in the hospital, a baby blanket, diapers, wipes, formula, cash gift cards, etc.... We were able to provide 9 blessing bags!!
Overall, we collected $2,339.00!! If you would like to donate your time and/or money towards this ministry, please visit the website below.