Our eighth-grade students were beyond excited when they found out that they were going to be the first students in our area to receive the innovative DJI robot, RoboMaster 1. They were even more excited to find out that there were going to be three, one for each student!
The S1 supports the Scratch and Python programming languages.
“AI technology lets the S1 recognize gestures, sounds, and even other S1 robots. Playing with the RoboMaster S1 opens the doorway to AI learning, giving you a practical introduction to the technologies of tomorrow.”
“The RoboMaster S1 is a game-changing educational robot built to unlock the potential in every learner. Inspired by DJI's annual RoboMaster robotics competition, the S1 provides users with an in-depth understanding of science, math, physics, programming, and more through captivating gameplay modes and intelligent features.”
"The Robomaster S1 – Intelligent Educational Robot – DJI." DJI Official. N. p., 2019. Web. 18 Sept. 2019.