National STEM/STEAM Day
In honor of STEAM Day, our students PK-Kindergarten completed colorful Mandala artworks in technology class. They practiced their mouse skills while choosing colors that would bring their individual artworks to life. Each area of the Mandala had to be carefully clicked by the mouse courser in order to color the specific areas.
Students also practiced saving their Mandala designs to Google Drive and finally choosing a printer to print them in color.

Technology Applications that were covered in this class were:
6) Technology operations and concepts. The student demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of technology systems, concepts, and operations. The student is expected to:
(A) use appropriate terminology regarding basic hardware, software applications, programs, networking, virtual environments, and emerging technologies;
(B) use appropriate digital tools and resources for storage, access, file management, collaboration, and designing solutions to problems;
(C) perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files;
(D) use a variety of input, output, and storage devices;