By Susie Rogers, ELA 5th-8th
develop a growth mindset for our lives by selecting one word to guide our year.
one word can impact us mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
“Instead of creating endless goals and resolutions, they found one word that would be their driving force for the year. No goals. No wish lists. Just one word. Best of all… anyone, anytime can discover their word for this year.”
“One Word that Will Change Your Life”, by Jon Gordon, Jimmy Page and Dan Britton - “About the Book”
Our resolutions seldom work because they are based on the type of person we’re tired of being rather than who we can become. Plus, resolutions can be ‘broken’, leaving
no room for the process of growth… My One Word replaces broken promises with a vision for real change. When you choose a single word, you have clarity and focus. You are moving toward the future rather than swearing off the past.”
“My One Word”, Mike Ashcraft & Rachel Olsen - “Choosing Your Word”
Enjoy the 7th grade students’ words and explanations.
Growth means development. To me, growth means to advance, and when you mess up keep going even if you know that it’s going to be hard or tough. I picked this one word because I knew that it would help me throughout the year. I plan to grow continuously this year by learning from my mistakes. “Growth” is what I plan to remember throughout the year.
My One Word to live by this year is “why”. I do not think very many people would think of this word because it is asking the question, not solving it. That is the reason I chose it, so when you need to remember what it is you are working toward ask yourself why. You will remember how you felt when you made the decision, and will return to that task with the same vigor you started with.
The definition of determination is the firmness of purpose; resoluteness. Determination means to keep going and keep growing to me and to not give up. I plan to keep on going when things get hard and not give up. I picked this word because it tells me to not stop and it means to keep going. In a race, a runner must have the determination to keep going to the finish line and not stop before the finish line. Determination is a powerful thing that can get you anywhere in life.
NOW- I picked this word because it makes me want to do something immediately instead of waiting around and doing it later. This will impact my life in many different ways. Mentally it will make me feel accomplished; Physically, it would be more like a mindset to make you want to do something. It would also affect me emotionally by changing how I think about other people. It will make my family happy that I do things other than video games. Finally, it would make me pray more and worship God more as well.
SMILE -I chose the word because it is easy to smile and it makes people feel good. What the word smile means to me is to always be positive no matter what. I plan to live this word by trying to stay positive even when things get rough