Happy Easter! April Fool's!
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Second grade is truly the best! We have had two wonderful weeks of learning and fun. We started a new unit of math and the kids are really showing their intelligence with the foundations of multiplication! They are loving all the “big kid math” and have said things like “I have waited all year for this!” I am proud to say all students in the class had high scores on their last math module exam.

We have also continued our unit of study on Citizenship. We have learned many things about our country’s flag, the true meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, the U.S. Constitution this week. We learned that our countries money is made at the U.S Mint Building. We also learned where some old and damaged money goes to die. Ask your child how farmers in New Orleans are using old money on their farms.

The Spring Musical was a true hit! The Oompa Loompas were the stars of the show, in my opinion. Thank you to Mrs. Tipton for all her hard work putting together such an amazing production. There were many moving parts and the entire SJDS student body worked together beautifully. I was so proud to see our kiddos perform.

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We had a small Easter Celebration on April 1 before our Easter break. We water-colored “surprise” eggs and they turned out very nice. Students were pranked by thinking they were getting a brownie snack, but were instead given BROWN-E’s. They were displeased with this, however their real snack made up for the pranking.

This school year is quickly coming to an end. We have around 32 days of school left! I am soaking up the sweet and silly personalities as much as I can and reflecting on how much these kids have grown this year.

Jaclyn Thane
Singing, adding, subtracting, oh my!

We are busy busy here in 2nd grade at St. James. Spring Musical is coming and we have been hard at work practicing every Wednesday. The students are anticipating the big performance. An email regarding ticket information has been sent to all parents of musical performers. Be sure to check out your ticket options.

Our class has also been hard at work water-color painting individual works of art to be used in a conglomerate framed art piece to be used in the auction fundraiser. I promise you wont want to miss the auction! There are many wonderful items up for grabs from all grade levels! Our class has also entered a framed class photograph that showcases each 2nd grade students personality. Just think: “class photo, but with 2nd grade style”.

2nd graders have just completed Module 5 of Eureka Math with flying colors. We will begin the foundations of multiplication and division soon. There is much excitement about learning to multiply and divide. We have started writing personal letters to grandparents and will also begin a new science study on plant and animal characteristics. Today, the 7th and 8th grade students visited our classroom to play a math game they created for the 2nd grade students based on what we have learned in the last module. There was a lot of competition between the groups and everyone was an incredible sportsman. Thank you to the 7th and 8th grade for making our Fun Friday F.U.N.!!

Jaclyn Thane
Spring is Near

Wow! What a Winter Break! We could not have planned that any better. I know St. James second graders had lots of fun playing in the snow. We all shared all about sledding, snow angels (and a snow penguin), and some funny stories about snowball fights. The Monday we returned to school, presented itself with small amounts of snow remaining on the ground and the students were very excited to make a few snowballs and then on Tuesday we played outside in short sleeves and even started to sweat. What a weather turnaround.

This week we began Spring Musical practice with the other grade levels. This musical show will be one to remember. I am very proud of the hard work the second grade has demonstrated to learn their song parts and all their dance combinations.

Lately, in class, we have been learning how to choose the most efficient math strategy to solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000. The kids get very excited when they have a sum or difference close to the number 1,000. We have also been studying objects in the sky, such as the moon, and we have learned much about the phases of the moon. We even made exploding moon rocks and moon dough.

This week students brainstormed what it means to be a good citizen to launch our unit study on Citizenship. Below is a list of some things the students said.

Reagan - “Helping a friend when they’ve had a bad day.”

Westin - “Picking up trash you see on the ground.”

EmmaLynn - “Helping someone when you see they need help.”

AnnaScott - “Being kind and helping others even if you are in a rush.”

Sander - “Giving a band aid to someone who is hurt.”

Colin “Building houses for homeless people.”

The information we learned about the immigration process this week included taking an oath, signing documents, and singing the National Anthem. Over the next 5 weeks will learn more about democracy and why our country’s founders chose this system of government. Ask your child what it means to them to live in the United States and also what makes a good citizen.

Jaclyn Thane
Love Is All Around

Happy Grandparent’s Day to all our St. James Day families.

”Grandparents are a little bit a parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend” - Unknown

Second grade has been working hard the last couple of weeks creating personal cards and paintings for their beloved grandparents. We appreciate all the grandparents in our lives.

This week, second grade also celebrated Valentine’s Day with a “Fanta Float” and valentine exchange. There was enough candy to last a lifetime and the students had a blast. Before the party, all the students participated in a compliment circle. We passed around art-hearts and complimented one another on what we love about them the most.

Next week is Winter Break here at SJDS and we dismissed today with some faint snowflakes falling. Well wishes and a restful holiday to you all!

Jaclyn Thane
Happy New Year! Happy January!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas Break! I know I did. Returning to school and seeing the second grade smiling faces was such a happy moment for me! These kiddos truly are the best. This month has been very busy. Two of the weeks in January involved a teacher quarantine, virtual math lessons, and Mrs. Kandice as the 2nd grade teacher. She was so sweet to the kiddos and communicated often about what a kind and bright group of students are in 2nd grade this year. Mrs. Kandice also bragged on what hard work and perseverance was demonstrated during my absence. Fun STEM Friday was taken to the next level when Kandice had the students explore how to use baking soda and shaving cream to make snow. The class also researched types of paper airplane designs, created their own paper airplanes, and competed in a distance contest. Since then, all indoor recesses involve some type of paper airplanes. Thank you, Mrs. Kandice for inspiring 2nd grade to become scientists and engineers!

This week, students participated in a Writer’s Conference. During the conference, students are required to listen to each others writing pieces and give positive and constructive feedback. We established a set of rules that included being good listeners and respecting each others accomplishments and areas of improvement. Writer’s Conference encourages taking ownership of writing and promotes face-to-face constructive conversations. Each student was required to compare and contrast two different animals and they were excellent researchers. We learned facts about the walrus and harp seal, Guanaco (related to the llama) and Fennec Fox, Dracorex (extinct dinosaur) and the Boa Constrictor, and even the Regal Horned Lizard that shoots blood from its eyes and the Red Bellied Piranha. Way to go kids!

In technology, students started a month-long group project. Ms. Kirkland had the students create storyboards that included: characters, setting, plot and climax of a story. After story boards were completed, students then designed and constructed a scene from their story. The students are currently creating movies of their story by taking series of photos using I-pads and green screens.

Upcoming events include:

-Grandparent’s Day (be on the lookout for precious art for grandparents and a video)

-Winter Break: February 15-19 (early dismissal Feb. 12 @ 11:15)

Jaclyn Thane