What is a force? Second grade is learning all about force! A push is a force that moves an object away and a pull moves an object closer. We put this knowledge into action with laundry basket races! Students figured out quickly it takes more force to move objects with more mass.
A recent math application problem our class solved was: “Mr. Hernandez’s second grade class has 400 ten rods and wants to exchange them for hundred flats. How many hundred flats will they have if they exchange all 400 ten rods.”We used the recent beautiful weather as an opportunity to solve this problem in a hands on way. Students knew that 10 ten rods was equal to 1 hundred flat. So they worked together bundling piles of 10 tens with chalk squares. Once all 400 ten rods were bundled into 100, they were able to count their bundles and discover the answer was 40! Mr. Hernandez could exchange his 400 tens for 40 hundreds.
Middle school students invited second grade to visit their International Fair. Students learned about different cultures, customs, food and geographical locations of countries all over the world. They even got to sample food that middle school students prepared. Nice job students!