Happy Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving Story

We had a blast as we relived the Mayflower crossing. This activity was a social studies lesson and we leaned about different cultures.

Our Feast

A special thank you to Kelsey Craig for her amazing help as room mom. A special thank you to all our parents for bringing the wonderful food and making this a special day for the children.

diane johnston

A fairy tale comes to life


We had a blast with a great book from the clothing unit! A special thank you to Mrs Lisa Norton for acting as grandmother and to Luna Harris for playing the part of Red Riding Hood. Mrs. Lisa is retired from St. James and Luna is a student at St.James. This dramatic presentation helped your child with language skills, vocabulary, comprehension and expression.

Matching Game

Matching activities help children with visual discrimination, short - term memory, and it improves their ability to focus.

Mrs. Cristen Crochets for us.

The children were thrilled to watch Mrs. Cristen as she demonstrated the art of crochet. We learned that people use crochet to make sweaters, blankets and other forms of clothing. A special thank you to Mrs. Cristen for giving us a WOW moment.

I is for Ice cream

The students had to count the dots on the ice cream and find the corresponding number.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston

A visit to Thailand-A book from our clothing unit


This week we took a trip to Thailand to learn about a little girl named Ari. Ari wants to wear every dress she has to a dance. Ari misses the dance because the clothes are too heavy. She learns to be happy with less. After I read the story it was time to pretend to be Ari. We had a wonderful time with this activity!

P. E. This Week

We jumped with two feet together and stepped through a hula hoop. Everyone loved crawling through the tunnel! Our gross motor skills had a great workout!

Matching Game

The children had to find matching clothing items and they loved this game! The students had to remember where the items were and find the match.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston
From Bears to Chairs

Order by size

It is important that children learn to recognize and arrange objects by size. Young children practice spatial reasoning by ordering objects from largest to smallest. This helps them with a range of activities from building more solid block towers to writing their names. Ordering by size also prepares children for more complex math such as putting numbers in order (1, 2 , 3) and problem solving.

Fire Safety

We were thrilled to have firefighters visit our campus. We learned that firemen wear special clothing to keep them safe.

Letter H is for horse and hat. The children had a great time as they rode their horse and held on to their hat.

diane johnston
Mary and The GIngerbread Man

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary and TInkerbell

The students were surprised when Mary came to school with her lamb. We loved seeing her lamb , but I had to tell Mary that we could not have a lamb at school. It was against the rules.

Boogie Brown was in my class when she was three years old and she has played the part of Mary for years. She is in the 7th grade at St. James. A special thank you to Boogie and her mother, Ashley Brown. They gave us a WOW moment!

Connect Numerals to Quantities

Children begin to count without understanding the meaning behind numbers. After they learn that numbers represent quantities, they learn to associate quantities with written symbols.

Mrs. Diane

diane johnston