We were thrilled to see the tooth fairy this month. We learned that we need to brush our teeth two times a day for two minutes. The class learned about food that is good for our teeth and food that is bad for our teeth. Each student was thrilled to help with the dental floss. Don’t forget to floss your teeth! A special thanks to Pediatric Dentistry of Texarkana.
Our Valentine Party was a hit! This class practiced name recognition as they passed out valentines. The hit of the party was the ballroom dancing! Costumes for the dance were provide by the home living center. It was very sweet to watch the class as they moved to the music. A special thank you to all the parents for helping with our snacks.
Grandparents Day was a blast! All of our primary classes went on the stage to sing for the grandparents. After we left the stage it was time for everyone to see our beautiful classroom. The children loved showing their work and telling the parents and grandparents about our centers.
We wrapped up the building unit by making buildings out of boxes. Each child had a great time as they pretended to be in various buildings. The beauty shop was a hit with the boys and girls and the automotive repair shop was just the place for a tune up. Anyone who was feeling sick was able to stop by the doctor’s office. letter P was for post office and it was the place to be for mailing those valentines. Your child’s imagination flourished as they took turns moving around our pretend city. Our next unit will have us bouncing for joy as we learn about balls.