Tick , Tock
Focus question
The preschool day is full of events. It is important for your child to know when things happen at school. Routines help students feel safe and secure because they know what is coming next and what is expected.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
We had a blast with a mouse this week! The students chanted Hickory, Dickory , Dock as they moved the mouse up and down the clock. We talked about roman numerals and we listened to the clock as it chimed. As the class listened to and used rhyme, rhythm and repetition their early literacy skills were increased.
Peeny Butter Fudge is one of our curriculum books. In our story the grandmother surprises her grandchildren with a change in the schedule. Mrs. Denise works at our school and she pretended to be my grandmother. We were surprised when grandmother changed our schedule by making Peeny Butter Fudge. During this activity your child learned to follow directions, take turns and count. A special thank you to Mrs. Denise.
Objective 15 Demonstrates phonological awareness
The students worked together to make the letter L with their body. We learned that letters have lines.
Mrs. Diane