Hide and peek
Hide and Peek-Handwriting Without Tears
Recognize Quantities Without Counting
The ability to recognize quantities up to three at a glance is an important skill for children to develop. When children can identify a number without counting it , they understand and have internalized it. With this skill they move easily to performing operations with numbers.

A WOW moment from the building unit.
A special visitor
We were thrilled to have Mr. Kuhn, Hudson's dad , visit our school. Mr. Kuhn is with CK Southern and he talked to the students about building materials. The children had working stations where they observed and drew tools. Each child had a yellow hard hat on as they used a power drill and hammer. A special thank you to Mr. Kaun for giving us a WOW moment as we end the building unit.

Letter R is for Red
Each child used a paintbrush as they traced the letter R.

Letter R is for RAINBOW
We learned about the colors that make up a rainbow

The Tooth Fairy - Dr. Glass DDS
A special thank you to Twinkles. She reminded us to brush our teeth twice a day and see the dentist twice a year. We were amazed as we learned what food was good and bad for our teeth.
See you next time,
Mrs. Diane