Be My Valentine
Observational Drawing
One of my favorite activities this past week was the observational drawing lesson. Each child was given a clipboard and a pencil. We discussed the features of our classroom. After I drew an example, it was time for the children to take over. The students drew windows, doors and tables in our classroom. We learned that our classroom is full of shapes.
Our Valentine Party
A special thank you to Mrs. Craig for providing us with fabulous decorations, pizza and cupcakes. Thank you to Mr.Kendrick for our drinks. The party was a blast! The children graphed hearts, danced, passed out valentines and ate a delicious lunch.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day
I was thrilled with the class performance! As your child participated on stage today they increased their confidence and social development. After the show we were excited to have our grandparents and friends visit our classroom. Thank you parents and grandparents for taking time out of your day to visit our school.

Mrs. Diane