During this difficult time my coworkers and I have mailed curriculum plans, and made videos of ourselves reading to the children. It breaks my heart that I can’t be with the class, but my colleges and I remain upbeat and hopeful. Our parents are doing a wonderful job of teaching at home. The pictures they send of their children working on the curriculum brighten my day. Parents are the first teachers and now we are returning to their knowledge and care. Parents and teachers working together are important factors in the educational success of their children. Even in the classroom I could always tell the children that had parents who worked with them at home.

I must say the Reduce, Reuse , Recycle unit is a great way to learn at home. The children are learning first hand what items can be thrown away or used again. I know some parents already have recycling containers at their home. Paper , plastic and metal are a few things that we can recycle. In some areas glass is melted down and used again. It is very important for our earth that we all do our part.

Letters and numbers are discussed in the children’s packet with help from our parents. One computer lesson had the children looking for the letter R on the family computer. Learning will continue. The videos we send home help the children with language skills and phonics, and the children love seeing their teacher! Each child is a blessing and each child has a special gift. As parents and teachers we will continue to work together for the educational success of every child.

diane johnston