Back To School


The beginning of the school year is not only exciting but emotional too! So many routines to teach and so many little learners to get to know! It's important that our classroom family builds trust and relationships with each other so they can feel safe and happy. Being able to establish relationships are essential skills for school and for success in life. On the first day of school, students made name tags and introduced themselves to each other. It’s important to support each student as they say goodbye to their family and learn to find comfort in being a member of the classroom community.

Nursery Rhymes

This week we recited the nursery rhymes: Humpty Dumpty and The Three Little Kittens. These nursery rhymes teach Phonological awareness, or phonological sensitivity, which is the ability to discern the sounds and patterns of spoken language. Children become phonologically aware through experiences such as reciting poems and nursery rhymes, singing, and clapping the syllables of chanted words.


Meet Our Humpty Dumpties

We discussed how an egg "Humpty Dumpty" is easily broken when mishandled. Once cracked, an eggshell can't be put back together. I asked the students, "Is it safe for Humpty Dumpty to sit on the wall?" This led to an entire discussion about safety and making good choices.

How can we keep Humpty Dumpty from breaking?

Using cotton balls, toilet paper, and nest materials(pine needles and twigs), the boys and girls put together baskets to keep Humpty Dumpty from breaking. We tested our theories and I'm proud to say "no one's egg broke."

Testing Our Theories

Three Little Kittens

On our walk from P.E., we found mittens on the ground. The children kept asking "Whose mittens are these?" Once we returned to the room, we realized they belonged to three little kittens. We read the nursery rhyme and talked about taking care of our things in the classroom and at home. We also learned where things go in our classroom so we don’t lose them(backpack, folder, lunch box, toys).?" We then matched the mittens by color and size to make a pair. Ask your child, "What is a pair?"


The Six Little Kittens

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