Reading, Pets and P.E.
During library time on Monday, the 4th graders read to the class. Moments like this are one of the things that make me love St. James! Where else can you get this interaction with older peers? My class really looks up to the big kids and loves spending time with them. The simple act of having an older peer read to them is helping to establish and sustain positive relationships. The ability to enter successfully into ongoing social interactions is an important social skill. The preschooler who talks about friendships becomes a kindergartner who establishes and maintains relationships over time with special friends. Children’s ability to build positive relationships with peers affects their social competence, school adjustment, academic success, and mental health in adulthood.
We have had several pet visitors, and my little dog Holly, came for a visit on Friday. She is 13, and the children were so sweet and gentle with her.
In PE this week we worked on our balancing skills. We are very fortunate to be able to participate in PE every day!! The children had to walk along a balance beam heel to toe and side to side. Balancing involves movement to help stabilize the body’s position when the person is not at rest. Children’s ability to balance affects their performance of gross-motor tasks. Appropriate instruction, practice, and safe materials and equipment are needed to help children improve their balancing skills.