PE in October
Who is ready for some cooler weather! I know I sure am! We are ending our unit on Badminton with a Tournament in Middle school. Lower school are using the net to hit over and are learning about the service line and the boundaries of the court. Middle school will be playing mini games this week in a round robin tournament. We will be playing to 10 points and rotating around.
Pictured above are some of our students playing exercise tag. Our excercises were working our core muscles and footwork.
Our Lower School students are doing station work to improve their balance and agility by hopping on one foot through the hoops, and working their core muscles by moving down the mat doing the inch worm.
Here is a picture of our Fun Friday! The students have a variety of equipment they can use to play games or practice on some of their skills.
Here we have some of our middle school students playing mini games of Badminton. They have playing courts that they have to stay in. There is a service line, side lines, and back lines to mark their court.
Here are some pictures of our PreSchoolers working on their pattern jumps. They are jumping together and apart, then galloping around cones that lead them back in line to repeat. The top picture are students working on their frog jumps. They are working on their hand placement, balance, and leg strength to jump forward.
Here are some of our 5th and 6th graders getting ready for our tournament by practicing mini games.
Come back soon to find out our next sport of the month and to see who wins our Badminton Tournament!