PE games and more!
Where has the year gone! We are on the final stretch of the school year. As the spring time weather brings lots of rain, we continue to stay busy in the gym. We have a few activities planned for those sunny days outside. Hopefully we can get some good pictures to share with you.
Pictured below are some of our 5th and 6th graders working on their buddy stretches. They have learned that the older they get, the more important stretching is in their daily lives.
Here are some of our 4th graders enjoying a fun game of Dragon Tails. This game requires you to pull your opponents flag (tail) to be tagged. This is more challenging than just tagging your opponent. The students LOVED this activity.
Pictured here are some of our 5th and 6th graders during their work out day. We don’t just work on fitness during class, we also work on our footwork, agility, and speed.
Just look at those smiles on their faces!! What is more fun than relay races?? Scooter relays!!
Pictured here are some of our 2nd graders working on their basketball skills. We were working on dribbling with our dominant and non-dominant hand. It is important to work both sides of your body, not just your favorite side.
I hope you have enjoyed getting caught up with our class. Come back soon to see what we do outside when the weather is nice!!