We Are A Part of a Recorder Nation

A couple of weeks ago, we began our study of recorders in 3rd & 4th grade with Recorder Karate. Students work through the curriculum by learning songs that are progressively harder. This progression has them call upon their note reading and breathing skills. Every song is assigned a belt color, white all the way to black. Once they have mastered the song, they will receive their belts.

So far, we have learned how to properly hold, play and clean our instruments. We have learned how to play pitches GAB and every student has their White Belt after mastering Hot Crossed Buns.

Currently, they are working towards their Yellow Bets with the song Gently Sleep.

It has been so much fun! I cannot wait for them to all become BLACK BELTS!

Allison Wright
Drumroll Please...

Now the that cat is out of the bag….We can’t wait to get started!!!

Middle school auditions will be Tuesday, October 17 during choir.

Allison Wright
DO, RE, MI & Instruments

This week we learned a lot and had a blast.

Primary: We made our own lamb puppets and sang a long to Mary Had A Little Lamb. We also had time to play with rhythm scarves.

PreK: We studied about Pitch (high or low) and met some new friends on Pitch Hill, our Solfege people.

Kinder: Finished our study of Pitch Hill and started practicing the Boom Whackers.

1 & 2: We reviewed and tested our knowledge of the instrument families with a fun scavenger hunt.

3&4: We finished our review of the Treble Clef in preparation for the Recorders.

5-8: We reviewed the Treble Clef and in Choir we began working on Candlelight. We had time to play a team building game, Row Your Boat.

Allison Wright
Welcome Back!

I am so excited to be back! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! We hit the ground running the first two weeks.

Primary: We celebrated back to school by coloring, singing and doing movement to, “The Wheels on the Bus.” We learned about the tambourine and played along to some fun Disney hits. This week we sang about Humpty Dumpty and played with our Egg Shakers. They had to be very careful not to drop and crack Humpty Dumpty. We had a blast!

Pre-K: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We learned about pitch and began our study on Pitch Hill. We met some of our Solfege friends, Scaredy Cat Sol and Flat Head Mi.

Kinder: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We continued our study of Pitch Hill with Rooftop Re.

1st: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We reviewed instrument families. We started with the Percussion Family.

2nd: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We reviewed instrument families. We started with the Percussion Family.

3rd: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We reviewed our Treble Clef notes in preparation for beginning work with our Recorders.

4th: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We reviewed our Treble Clef notes in preparation for beginning work with our Recorders.

5-6: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We responded in our Journals and we reviewed our Treble Clef notes.

7-8: We went over the music room expectation and played a game, Hide the Pumba. We responded in our Journals and we reviewed our Treble Clef notes.

LS Choir: We practiced Chapel songs and played music games.

MS Choir: We practiced Chapel songs and played music games.

Allison Wright
It's the Final wind down...

Do do dooo…OH SORRY! We are getting to the end of the year…can you believe it?! We have had a lot of fun playing games, singing, and getting ready for summer break!

Primary: We played summer games, colored, and did scarf routines to Olaf’s “In Summer.”

PreK: We began talking about pitch and started learn about on friends on Pitch Hill, Scaredy-Cat Sol and Flat Head Mi.

Kinder: We are practicing their songs for Kindergarten Graduation. We played a fun beach themed call and response game Charlie Over the Ocean.

1st-3rd: We worked on our singing and thinking skills with Charlie Over the Ocean.

4th-8th: We celebrated the year with a little Karaoke Superstar!

Allison Wright
Let's Critique!

Primary: They practiced appropriate audience behavior while watching the PreK students as they practiced for their talent show.

PreK: We practiced for the talent show. They did a fantastic job singing the group songs for the talent show, “This is my Commandment, Zip-a-dee Doo-Da, and This Little Light of Mine.”

Kinder: We learned about dynamics and the different between pitch and volume. We practiced out knowledge of crescendos and decrescendos by playing a game, “Hide Pumba.” Rules of the game: Crescendo as the finder gets closer to Pumba and decrescendo as they get farther away!

1st-8th: Even though our spring musical was fantastic and I couldn’t be prouder of my kiddos, we watch the show with a critical eye. We worked together to critique our work and found ways we could improve for next year! Since it was such a hit in Kinder, we decided to play, “Hide Pumba.” and sharpened our musical knowledge.

Allison Wright
It's Showtime!

We are continuing to work hard on our show! I cannot WAIT to show off next Thursday 4/6 at 6 pm. Please join us!

Allison Wright
Oh, How Lucky We Are...

This week we started taking pictures for our headshot wall, fitting costumes, working on the set, running the show, and we even found some time to celebrate St. Patricks Day!

Primary: Learned “Can You Catch A Leprechaun?’ and played a game with each student being the leprechaun.

Pre-K: We began practice for their upcoming Talent Show!

Kinder: We practiced Audience Etiquette while watching Disney’s Concert Piece, Fantasia 200, and caught some Leprechauns.

1st-8th: We are continuing our work on our Spring Musical. We have made so much progress with the music, scenes, costumes, props, and set. We CANNOT wait to show you our hard work!

St. James Day School Presents:

Disney’s The Lion King, Jr.

Thursday, April 6th @ 6 PM

Pleasant Grove High School’s Performing Arts Center

Admission is FREE

Allison Wright
And All That Jazz!

In celebration of Black History Month, we explored the world of Jazz. We learned about where it started and about some of the amazing artists who created it. We talked about how music has been shaped by the African-American community and learned about some of popular instruments used in Jazz. We ended by listening to the late, great Louis Armstrong sing, “What a Wonderful World.” My musicians expressed how the music made them feel and were inspired to draw a picture. We had a BLAST!

Allison Wright
Behind the Scenes!

In choir, we have been working on our Grandparent’s Day musical number, I Just Can’t Wait to Be King!

It takes a village to put a show together. The set design class has been hard at work creating the many sets, props and costume pieces for the Lion King Jr. This week they have been working on the wildebeest makes for the stampede and the lion masks. Thank you so much, Ms. Denise! It’s looking amazing!! I cannot wait!

The Lion King Jr. will be performedat the Pleasant Grove High School Performing Arts Center at 6:30 PM on Thursday, April 6! Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.

Allison Wright
Happy New Year!

We hit the ground running in the New Year! We have had lots of fun learning!

PrImary: We had a lot of fun with our dice activity. There were two dice, one an activity and the other a song. Each student took turns rolling the dice and we performed the song and activity as a group. These activities help them with motor skills and moving as one.

PreK: We began our work on rhythm. Each student learned about one sound on a beat or two. We dug a little deeper with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We worked together to keep the steady beat and to figure out if each word was one sound or two.

Kindergarten: We learned about quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth notes. We were remembering what we learned in PreK (above) and saw how it related to these rhythms. While we were learning, the students created the different notes out of play dough. They demonstrated their knowledge by reading rhythms from the board.

1-3: We continued our work on The Lion King music. They have started to learn choreography for, “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King, Hakuna Matata, and Can You Feel the Love Tonight.” One day it was so nice that we decided to learn outside.

4-8: We have started blocking the show as well as continuing our work on the music.

Allison Wright
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

This week in music, we celebrated Christmas!

Primary-PreK: We learned about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We talked about how do not treat someone poorly just because they are a little different. We sang, moved, colored and watch the story.

Kindergarten: We learned Jingle Bells on our Boomwhackers and preformed it for their teachers!

1st: We worked on our Candlelight music and learned Jingle Bells on our Boomwhackers!

2nd-8th: We continued our practicing for Candlelight next week. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend! After we practiced, we played Christmas Music Bingo and had a wonderful time!

Lower School Candlelight: Wednesday, December 14 6pm at St. James Church Downtown

Middle School Candlelight: Thursday, December 15 6pm at St. James Church Downtown

Allison Wright
We are Thankful and We Know it!

With Thanksgiving being next week, we talked a lot about what we were thankful for. Some said their mommies and daddies, some said their pets, some even said PIZZA! It was fun to think about why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

Primary: We sang, “If You’re Thankful and You Know it” and hid from he farmer in Run, Turkey, Run.

PreK: We were busy working on their Christmas Program that’s coming up December 1st.

Kindergarten: Learned all about Audience Etiquette, played and sang “Run, Turkey, Run.”

1-8th: Continued our work with Candlelight and the Lion King.

Allison Wright
All Hallows Eve!

This week we had so much fun celebrating Halloween.

Primary: We listened to Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor and busted some Ghosts.

PreK: We went on a virtual filed trip to a Haunted House and had many fun music activities along the way.

Kindergarten: We learned how music can effect our feelings and acted out, “Baby Monsters.”

1-8: We worked on Candlelight and Lion King

Allison Wright
The Circle of Life

This past week we had auditions for Lion King Jr. Our scenic design class is already hard at work creating some of the amazing things you will see on stage.

Primary-K: We talked about the fun things we get to do in the fall. Then, we learned songs about leaves, scarecrows, and pumpkins.

1st-2nd: We learned about tempo, dynamics and pitch. We discussed how a lot of musical words come from Italy. They were very excited to learn some Italian words.

Allison Wright
¡Nos encanta la música!

Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15- October 15. We learned that a lot of our favorite music is inspired by the the Hispanic and LatinX culture. We talked about different instruments and listened to amazing music by talented artists.

Primary-Pre K: We talked about nursery rhymes we sing in America. I told them that children in the Spanish speaking countries learn a nursery rhyme called, “Los Pollitos.”It is about three little chicks that hatch and spend a fun day with their mom. We learned the song and some choreography. Then, we listened to music and played our maracas.

Kinder-1st: We listened to some amazing music and did a drum stick routine to, “Proud Corazon,” from the movie Coco.

2nd-4th: We talked about Latin music with a little help from our friends Tim and Moby. Then, we learned a cup and stick routine to, “Turn the Beat Around,” by Gloria Estefan.

5th-8th: We continued our read/sing through of the Lion King and then we practiced our Turn the Beat Around routine.

Allison Wright
Steady Tempo is Music's Heartbeat!

This week we had a lot of fun with drums.

In Primary and PreK, we worked on steady beat and jammed out to some nursery rhymes and We Don’t Talk About Bruno.

In 2nd grade, we continued work on Music Theory and demonstrated our knowledge with a drum game, Extra Beat, Take a Seat. We even had a spontaneous conga line!

Fourth through eighth was able to read/through our script for The Lion King Jr. to gather a better understanding of the story and what we are undertaking. Each child was able to read a part and had a blast singing through the songs!

Allison Wright
ABC it's easy as 1,2,3...Welcome back!

I am so happy to see all my students’ smiling faces! I sure did miss them. We had a great first couple of weeks.

In Primary, we dove into Nursery Rhymes.

PreK: We began our unit on steady beat. First with clapping, next with Rhythm Sticks.

K-1: We learned and reviewed all about the Percussion Family.

2-4: We reviewed our note values and rhythms

5-8: We played various rhythms on the Djembes.

One final piece of news! The year our Spring Musical will be Disney’s Lion King Jr.! I am so excited to get started! First through eighth grade will be participating and I cannot wait to see that magic that we create! Mark your calendars, the musical will be on Thursday, April 6 @ 6:30!

Allison Wright
The Orchestra Moves

This week second though fourth grade participated in a Texarkana Symphony Orchestra concert. This concert was in conjunction with Carnegie Hall called, The Orchestra Moves. Students could play the recorder, dance, play percussion instruments, or sing. We chose to sing and got to participate in four selections, “Come to Play (theme for the program), “The Blue Danube,” “Toreador from the opera Carmen,” and “Un, Dos, Tres.” The kids had a blast and got to be exposed to classical music in a fun and entertaining way. We tried to take pictures but the Perot was a little dark.

Pre-K and Kinder finished their study of Pitch Hill with a hands on activity. They placed their Solfegé friends on their very own music staff.

Allison Wright

This week in primary and pre-K, we celebrated Earth Day by doing a scarf routine to, “What a Wonderful World” and colored our very own Earth.

Pre-K through 1st grade continued our study of Pitch Hill where some classes met all eight Solfège people!

2nd through 4th grade worked on their songs for our field trip to see the Texarkana Symphony Orchestra on May 18th. This is special concert in conjunction with Carnegie Hall and our students are lucky enough to participate.

5th and 6th grade began working on learning the Ukulele. We learned about the parts, tuning, and tabs.

7th and 8th grade learned about the djembe and started learning a routine to “The Circle of Life.”

Allison Wright