Busy, Busy, Busy

These past few weeks we have been super busy. We have had a field trip and lots of learning.

Primary: I have been working closely with the Primary teachers to further their learning in the classroom in music. We have sung and moved to songs that had to do with their construction unit. They had a blast!

PreK: They have been hard a work on learning about Dynamics. They know that Dynamics is just a fancy word of volume. They know that Forte means loud and Piano means soft. They are also masters at using their terminology and applying it in our activities.

Kindergarten: They have been learning about quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth notes. They can identify them and read basic rhythms. We ended with our favorite activity, play dough notes. They had a blast creating their own notes and rests out of play dough.

Lower School: Lower School got to attend The Orchestra Swings concert on January 30. They kiddos sang and played their recorders from their seats. They were so excited to actually be able to participate in the concert. It is such a wonderful opportunity to be involved with the Perot and The Texarkana Symphony Orchestra! We have also been hard at work on our spring musical, The Little Mermaid Jr.

Middle School: They have been hard at work on our musical as well. They have been learning blocking, their lines and music. We have even finished ROUGH blocking the show. For those of you who do not know what blocking means, it is just stage movement while acting. So proud of these kids and their hard work!

Speech: We have been learning about Logical Fallacies and how they can weaken an argument in a speech. Students participated in an activity where they had to match each fallacy with it’s definition and example. Then, we watched a few commercials and they were able to name the fallacy used to help advertise. This knowledge will help them avoid using them in their upcoming speeches.

Allison Wright