100 Days of school Hooray!

The 100th day of school is an exciting milestone to reach in kindergarten. It’s a special time for students to reflect on their hard work and celebrate all the progress they’ve made. We had the best day dressing up as 100 year olds and exploring different centers. We are definitely 100 Days Smarter!

Good Old Charlie is ready for 100’s Day!

Good Ole Charlie is ready for 100’s Day!

Building a structure with 100 marshmallows is fun!



Carla Irvin
Cold days call for Hot cocoa!

Who doesn’t like a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winters day? We whipped of some hot cocoa today using several ingredients. We discussed how much of each ingredient we would need for our cocoa. Each student had the chance to pour in an ingredient. We worked through all the steps of a recipe using transition words like first, then, next, and last. Demonstrating the actual procedure, brought our cocoa lesson to life and allows students to make connections to the procedural process!

Carla Irvin
We are Thankful!

Kindergarten celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday with many fun activities. We wore our Pilgrim hats, made a Native American corn craft, and ate a lot of yummy food! We were so thankful our family could attend our Friendsgiving and help celebrate this very special day with us.

Native American Corn Craft!

Gobble, Gobble!

Carla Irvin
DixI-Maze Farms

Kindergarten traveled to the Dixie Maze Farms to complete our All About Pumpkins Unit. We had a FUN filled day traveling around the farm on a hayride. We churned our own butter, rode the Cow Train, jumped on a giant inflatable pillow, and watched pigs race. Kindergarten had the BEST DAY EVER!

Carla Irvin
Pumpkins make us happy!

Kindergarten loves pumpkins! This past week was all about pumpkins. We started the week off, learning the parts of a pumpkin. We learned that all pumpkins start with a pumpkin seed. Our little friends tasted a pumpkin seed, sorted, and grouped seeds during math. We read Pumpkin Jack and carved a pumpkin. We finished our day with Pumpkin Pie Parfaits! Yum!! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

PumPkin Math!

Thumbs Up for Pumpkin Seeds!

Pumpkin Carving!

Pumpkin Pie Parfaits!

Carla Irvin
Stem Friday!

“What can you make with a dot?” This question was asked to our kindergarteners during Friday’s STEM building activity. We read the book the Dot, and gave students DOT Candies and toothpicks. They had to brainstorm and create an object using only these two materials with their partners. Students worked cooperatively in groups to come up with their own creation. Our sweet friends, used important problem solving skills in order to create different structures. I was super proud of their hard work! Team building is such an important skill to learn in kindergarten.

Carla Irvin
Apple Sorting!

Kindergarten had a fun Friday tasting and graphing their favorite apples. Each student had a chance to taste a red, green, and yellow apple. Then, they placed their favorite apple color on our Kindergarten Apple Graph. Taste-testing apples is a great way to integrate meaningful learning. Children get to use all their senses exploring apples, which jump starts so much learning! 😊

Apples Everywhere!

Cooking With Apples!🍎🍏🍎🍏

Carla Irvin
We Love School!

All Smiles in KindeRGaRten!

Mrs. Carla’s Kinders are super excited to be back at St. James. We have been busy meeting new friends, exploring centers, and learning all about our names. We have had the BEST two weeks of learning! Their smiles say it all….Kindergarten Rocks!


A classic piece of literature in kindergarten, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is written in rhyme through chant. It teaches the importance of the alphabet to our young learners.

Students work in centers finding the letters in their names.

Exploring Centers!

Centers are a class favorite. They help students learn different skills in a creative hands-on way. Centers allow children to grow in their social skills and help them engage in age appropriate activities that aid in their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Carla Irvin
Mommy SPA is the Best!

We sure do love our moms, aunts, and grandmas at St. James! We celebrated Mother’s Day and our special ladies with kindergarten’s traditional Mommy Spa Day. Memories made on this day will be cherished forever. Happy Mother’s Day!❤️

Hair Station

Nail Station

Interview Station and photo bootH

MAssage and MakeUp

More Fun PhoTos ❤️

Carla Irvin
Fair Fun!

Our kinder kiddos took a trip to the Four States Fair. Their day started off watching a rodeo with bucking bulls and horses. They had so much fun rooting these cowboys on for their eight second rides. They also participated in several stations, including a lesson on how we get milk from a cow and how we turn cotton into everyday items we use. Our friends loved the homemade ice cream and all the fair treats. It was definitely a fun day of learning about the importance of agricultural and our beloved farmers. ❤️🚜

All Ready for the Rodeo!

Station Visits and Fun Photos!

Carla Irvin
Leprechaun Math

Today we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with many fun and engaging activities. Shamrocks and Leprechauns were the theme of the day. Graphing with Lucky Charms cereal was a BIG hit! My kinders counted, sorted, and graphed their cereal. These are important math skills for kindergarten. They were so excited to compare their graphs with their classmates. We ended the day with cookies and lucky leprechaun juice! 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Carla Irvin
Read aCross AMERICA Week

We celebrated Read Across America week in kindergarten. March 2nd was Dr. Seuss’s birthday and we had fun learning about the famous author Theodor Seuss Geisel, AKA Dr. Seuss. Kindergarten had a FUNtastic day on Friday stacking cups for our STEM project. STEM activities are a fun way to engage students to work on their problem solving skills. Group learning fosters learning and comprehension.

To help us celebrate Read Across America Week, Nancy Clark, a professional story teller, visited our kinder classes. She acted out folk tales and had the students help her by using character props and sounds. She definitely kept our little friends engaged with her mesmerizing stories. Thank you Mrs. Clark!

Carla Irvin
Hooray For 100 Days!

The 100th day of school is an exciting milestone to reach in kindergarten. It signifies the halfway point of the year and an important time of setting new goals. Most importantly, it’s a special opportunity for students to celebrate their hard work. After 100 days of school, their passion for learning is evident as they soar into new heights.

Carla Irvin
Community service

Kindergarten teamed up this year with Texarkana Children’s Advocacy Center for our community service project. Our St. James families were so generous to donate items to fill bags with toiletries and necessary items for the children who come through the center. Texarkana Children’s Advocacy Center offers a safe place for children who experience abuse. The center was so appreciative to St. James kindergarten and their families. The students had a fun time helping fill the bags and learning the importance of giving back to their community.

Carla Irvin
Disguise A TURKEY AND MIss JOJo helps out!

Turkeys are the theme of the month. We read the book Turkey Trouble in class. Students were then assigned an at home project to disguise their own turkey to be hidden in class. This family project is always a big hit! Our friends did a great job disguising their turkeys, and everyone loved sharing their creative turkeys with the class! Gobble, Gobble! 🦃

Mickey Mouse Turkey

Merry Christmas!🎄

Dallas Cowboy Turkey

Bowling Ball Turkey


Pirate Turkey

Kitty Cat Turkey

Zebra Turkey

Candy Turkey

I am a Peacock Turkey!

Cupcake Turkey

Miss JOJO Helps Out!
Fourth grade students earn points in class on their Class Dojo by following rules, completing assignments, and meeting educational goals. They can use the points they earn to help teachers around the campus in their classrooms. Jojo wanted to use her points to help me in kindergarten for the day. She helped me do sight word checks and taught a math lesson on solid and flat shapes. The kindergarten students loved having her as their helper teacher!

Sight Word Check!

Miss Jojo is hard at work!

Shape Lesson!

Flat and Solid Shapes.

Sister Love!

Story Time!

Carla Irvin
Fall festival

We had a Fabulous Friday celebrating Halloween in our favorite costumes, playing fun games, a hay ride around the campus, and seeing some huge Pumpkins!

Big Thanks To Our Middle School Friends!

Carla Irvin
Pumpkin patcH Fun!🎃

Kindergarten was super excited to get to visit DixieMaze Farms for a fun filled day of activities. This was the first visit to a pumpkin patch for many of our kindergarten friends. DixieMaze Farms offers multiple activities for little ones to experience and enjoy. Our friends toured the farm on a hayride through the tall corn fields, shot tennis balls out of a corn cannon, jumped on a huge inflatable pillow, rode the cow train, and flew high in the sky on the barn swing. We ended the day with our very own pumpkins to take home. What a FUN FALL DAY!

Barn Swing!

Barn Swing!

She’s a Brave Girl!

She’s a Brave Girl!

So much FUN!

So much FUN!

Hayride with friends! 😊

We love our St. James Parents!❤️

We love our St. James Parents!❤️



Look at that Cowboy! 🤠

Look at that Cowboy! 🤠

Carla Irvin
Sink or Float?

It’s that time of year again; Apple Time! When I think fall, I think APPLES! We have been exploring apples in kindergarten this month. Our class has enjoyed reading books about apples, learning the different parts of an apple, cooking with apples, and many Johnny Appleseed activities.

Apple Science has definitely been a favorite of our little friends! Skills addressed in this activity include; predicting, recording results, and drawing conclusions. Our class conducted a sink or float experiment with apples. They loved the water stations and couldn’t wait to see if their predictions were correct!

Cruz is ready to put his apple boat in water!

Cruz is ready to put his apple boat in water!

They are super excited! 🍏🍎

They are super excited! 🍏🍎

Wren and Luke are ready!

Wren and Luke are ready!

They love being right!

They love being right!

Who’s excited? ❤️

Who’s excited? ❤️

Testing their apple boats! 🍎

Caia is a HAPPY GIRL!

Caia is a HAPPY GIRL!

Not everyone is happy!

Not everyone is happy!

Carla Irvin