Chicka Chicka Boom Boom welcome to our ClassRoom!
The beginning of school is an exciting time in the lives of children, especially Kindergarten. I have loved watching all of my little friends personalities shine the first two weeks of school. We have been super busy learning our classroom rules and procedures, writing our names correctly, meeting our enrichment teachers, and making new friendships. The beginning of school I introduce the unit Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. It is a perfect book to help start the school year! My students are engaged and quickly learn the pattern and chime in. I hope you enjoy our classroom blog this year and watching our sweet little learners grow!
First Day of Kindergarten pics! ❤️
All smiles for Kindergarten!
Recess is FUN!
Coconut trees with the letters in our name! 🌴
How many letters are in my name?
Our very own coconut trees!
STEM activity…Build a tree with letters, blocks and popsicle sticks.
They are proud of their hard work!
Wow! 🌴🌴🌴
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom will there be enough room?