I love using a compliment circle to encourage kindness, change the mood in my class, and teach the children how to give genuine compliments to others. In a pre-pandemic class, the children would sit in a circle with their legs straight in front. We would be close enough that all of our feet would be touching as we sat in a circle. Then, taking turns, a child would name another student and give them a compliment. Once your name has been called and you have received your compliment, you criss-cross your legs and choose a classmate whose legs are still straight. I typically start the compliment circle. This year, everything about the compliment circle remained the same except for feet touching. To keep everyone distanced, the children sat in front of their desk and stretched their legs in front. Our circle may have looked a little different, but the goal remained the same. To give heartfelt compliments to one another to enhance our day, lift the classroom mood, and learn how to give meaningful encouragement to others.
I used the compliment circle first thing in the morning. I knew we were going to have a challenging math lesson and I wanted the children pumped up for it. I truly believe that it made the math assessment go smoother because each child had a positive affirmation from a classmate and from me. Every morning since the children have been asking to do it again. I assure them that we will definitely have more compliment circles in the future.
Mrs. Claire