Beautiful Weather

The past several weeks the weather has produced some beautiful spring days. One of these amazing weather days was on Earth Day, so very fitting. One of the activities the class did was take a nature walk scavenger hunt around campus. The children enjoyed this so much. Getting to investigate and closely look for items on the list made them giddy. Being with nature brings out the natural scientist in children. Hearing all of the facts they know about insects and weather warms my heart, you can see their passion and excitement when they are connecting other experiences they’ve had in nature with this one.

We were able to take a field trip! I feel so blessed that my class was able to go to Historic Washington State Park near Hope, AR. We were outside the entire time and had a lovely picnic. This year was understandably different, we weren’t able to go inside the building for tours. However, we made the most of it and read the information that was available. I saw, and took many pictures with, the largest magnolia tree in the state! There was also the moon tree. When it was just a seed it orbited the moon and then was planted in Washington, AR. The class thought that was pretty cool! It was so comforting to do something fun and safe while off-campus. It was a great way to slide into the last month of school. It’s hard to believe my precious first graders are about to be second graders! Soaking up all of my time with them.


Claire Gordon