Christmas Around the World
The students are so intrigued by the presentations and soak up the new knowledge. I believe it is important for children to see that the world is larger than the area where they live. Taking a deeper look into a country, especially specifically into a beloved holiday, helps the children see the similarities and differences they have with others a world away. Plus, it is fun. They love to try the treats, toys, and games from other places. I’m always surprised by how adventurous the students are with trying the new foods, I am certain the sugar helps entice them.
In addition to bringing light to foreign cultures and traditions, Christmas Around the World requires the students to practice speaking in front of an audience. This is the first project where the student is solely responsible for presenting their information. Speaking in front of a group of your peers is hard at any age. At St. James public speaking and presenting is valued and practiced frequently. The children start performing, speaking, and presenting to peers and adults at a very young age. This better equips them for higher education and their careers. Speaking with confidence is a skill that carries you far.