Math and Science

First grade has started working with teen numbers in math. They are learning multiple strategies to add and subtract a single digit from teen numbers. The most common strategy is to make or subtract from ten. To be able to do this, you must know how to decompose numbers. To give the class practice, they rolled dice and had to find the parts; one part had to be ten. This practice allowed them to build it with their hands and make the decomposition of teen numbers more automatic.

The class really enjoyed the time we spent learning about the moon’s phases. To wrap up our learning, the students sculpted the moon’s phases using Oreos!! Not only was that fun, but it allowed them to create what they had been taught. When everyone had completed their Oreo moons, the second grade visited, and the class taught them about the phases using Oreos. It was a great way for the class to share their knowledge.

Second grade had their turn to teach science to first grade the next week. The second grade’s weekly story was about volcanos. At the end of that week, they invited us over to teach us about creative and destructive volcanoes. Then in groups, they watched as the second graders erupted a mini volcano. It was exciting and so beneficial for the students to practice teaching what they’ve learned.

Claire Gordon