Making the World Better

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is someone’s whose life and teachings need to be discussed and taught all year long. January is an excellent time focus on his acts and life as his birthday, and the federal day dedicated to him approaches. Teaching a group of 6-7 years olds the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. life can be challenging. It’s so hard for them to understand why someone would just because their skin color is different. In class the emphasis has been put on Dr. King’s peaceful teachings and his Christian center way of enacting change in American. I asked the children what they could do to make the world a more peaceful place. Their answers are heartwarming and show the innocence of young children.

I also had the class write about how they would make the world a better place in their writing journals. The answers and their illustrations were just as precious. Children truly do see the world differently than grownups. What a blessing to be a part of all these children’s lives.

Claire Gordon