Study Hall & Elective Classes

By Kandice Kimmel, Latin & History, 5-8th Grade

In middle school we build study hall and elective classes into our students’ weekly schedule. The convenience of study hall allows students time at school to complete projects, ease the homework burden, as well as one on one time with their teachers if they are struggling to understand concepts or have questions.

Elective classes allow our middle school students to explore their interest, develop new skills, and broaden their perspectives beyond the core academic curriculum. The elective classes for the fall semester are science club, robotics, yearbook, book club, film study, and a life skills/cooking class.

Kandice Kimmel

Our Middle School students celebrated the month of August with teamwork while playing a fun trivia game. We also celebrated our first Student of the Month, Colt Jerry, during our celebration!

Celebrate good times, Come on
Let’s celebrate
Celebrate good times, Come one
Let’s celebrate
— Kool & The Gang
Erin Hobson
Hello Fifth Grade!

“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen!” ~Conan O’Brian

Fifth grade is off to a great start for the 2024-2025 school year. As a “Back To School” activity in Science class, we played a game of “Who Am I?” Students had a card with a science word/topic written on the card and taped to their backs. Students could only ask each other “yes” or “no” questions to try to figure out “Who” they were.

Students practiced questioning, reasoning, and science knowledge skills all while playing a game!

Erin Hobson
Exploring New Horizons

Fifth grade at St. James always looks forward to the overnight field trip to the Arkansas Outdoor School…or better known as 4-H. Anticipation builds weeks before the actual trip with picking activities, going over the packing list, travel plans,and permission slips.

Then…the day of departure finally arrives. Fifth grade was able to experience team building, archery, canoeing, orienteering (using a map and compass), fishing, and rock climbing.

Field trips provide authentic, hands-on, experiential learning opportunities where students connect what they are learning in the classroom in a real-world context.

The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of learning is through experience, seeing something with our own eyes.-Jack Hanna

Erin Hobson