An Expedition Across Campus
by Jennifer Jordan, History & Latin Teacher
Each year I love to close the 5th grade’s study of the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark with a trail mapping activity on our school campus. Students divide into teams and receive instructions to chart a route that includes compass directions, number of feet, and landmarks. Students chart from the side entrance of the middle school, to the basketball court, around the flagpole, and then to the back corner of the middle school. To simulate Lewis & Clark’s expedition, students imagine that the route is new, unexplored territory and they take notes as such. Each student in each team has a specific role, whether it’s using the compass, measuring the distance, or charting the notes. A student types the notes so that the 4th grade class can test out each team’s notes and see if the notes accurately get them from Point A to Point B. This lesson not only involves collaborative learning and listening skills, but it also enables the 5th grade to show the 4th grade students some of their upcoming activities in middle school. It doesn’t hurt that the 4th grade can locate hidden treasure if they use a good set of notes!