The children had a blast as they learned who does and does not work at our school! We enjoyed a book about the Gingerbread Man during this lesson. As I read the book a note fell out, it was from the Gingerbread Man. He left clues for us to try and find him. We followed clues and we talked to other teachers on our campus. The class determined that he does not work at our school. As we searched for him we learned how to work as a group and follow instructions. He was too fast for us to catch, but he left us a delicious cookie. A special thank you to Mrs. Katlyn Gunter for providing us with the cookie and to Gabbi who played the part of the Gingerbread Man.
Each year the students at St. James help our community with a service project. This year we took in donations of books for the Texarkana Public Library. We had the support of every class on our campus. The primary classes were thrilled to say that we donated over five hundred books to our local library. The highlight of our project was a visit from Mother Goose. She stopped by to read us a story and stress the importance of literacy.
This week we jumped with two feet together, walked on a balance beam ,and went under a limbo stick. P. E was a blast!
The students loved using play-doh and wikki stix to make the letter E and number three!
Stayed tuned for more primary news!
Mrs. Diane